Prior Service Credit FAQ

Can I transfer my service credit from another Ohio Retirement System to OP&F?

Yes, if it is FULL-TIME and not concurrent with OP&F service.

What do you mean by FULL-TIME? I worked 40 hours or more.

FULL-TIME means that you were appointed or hired to a FULL-TIME position and worked a minimum of 37.5 hours per week.

What about my part-time service?

Ohio law does not permit OP&F to accept part-time service credit.

How do I go about transferring my OPERS service credit to OP&F?

You will need to write a letter to OPERS requesting that your contributions and service credit be transfered to OP&F. Make certain to include your Social Security number and signature on the document. Mail the request to:

Back Payments
277 E. Town Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Are my contributions and service credit transferring equally? Will I get dollar for dollar?

If you became an OP&F member BEFORE September 16, 1998, your contributions and service credit will be an even transfer.

If you became an OP&F member AFTER September 16, 1998, your service credit will not be transferred equally and will be prorated due to the requirements in House Bill 648. You will have to make up the difference between the contribution rates of the two retirement systems, with interest.

What do you mean by prorated?

Prorated means the service credit does not transfer one-for-one. There is a difference in the contribution rates of the two retirement systems which has to be paid by the member. This includes both the employee and employer contribution rates, with interest, that you must pay to receive equal service credit.

When will I know the available months of service I have to consider purchasing?

Once the transfer is completed, OP&F will send a letter and a Difference in Contribution Statement. The statement will provide the breakdown of cost with interest involved and the available months of service. The cost is valid for 60 months days from the date of the letter. If that time frame expires and you are still considering a purchase of your available months of service, you must contact OP&F for an updated cost statement.

What are the differences between the Ohio Retirement Systems?

The rates vary between each Ohio Retirement Systems. Is also depends on how long you were a member of a particular Ohio Retirement System. Please see the example on the Proration of Service Credit Transfers link at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.

Can I purchase available months of service credit by payroll deduction?

Yes, the amount due to OP&F will be used to determine the amount of the payroll deduction. There will also be an additional 8.25% interest charged annually for the length of your payroll deduction.

How long can I elect to have payroll deduction and can I tell you how much I want to have taken out of my paycheck?

If you have 40.066 months (three years, four months, and two days) of service available to purchase, then you only have three years, four months, and two days to do payroll deduction. If you have more than 60 months—which is five years—your payroll deduction will only last for five years. The amount that comes out of your paycheck is determined by the amount due, divided by the months of service. In other words, you cannot request the amount to be taken out of your paycheck per pay period.

Can I use my Ohio Deferred Compensation to purchase my service credit?

Yes. To initiate this process you must first contact the Deferred Compensation Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-877-644-6457 and request a Purchase of Service Credit form. The form will request specific information regarding the dollar amount you desire to use for purchasing service credit and a copy of OP&F's written cost estimate. You must contact OP&F to receive a written cost estimate of the time you intend to purchase. Once Deferred Compensation receives your completed form and transfers the tax-deferred funds to OP&F. it will be posted to your account. If you use this method of purchasing your service credit, we suggest you contact OP&F at the closure of the process to request a confirmation.

Can I restore my time at OPERS and then have it transferred to OP&F?

No. Due to the passage of House Bill 648, effective September 16, 1998, if you have withdrawn contributions from another Ohio Retirement System and wish to restore this full-time service credit, you must do so through OP&F. OP&F will gladly provide a calculation for a lump sum cost as well as a payroll deduction cost in order for you to have this prior service restored.

Can I purchase out-of-state service credit?

Yes, not to exceed five years and if the following conditions are met:

1. The service was rendered as an employee of an entity of state or local government, or of an entity of the United States government.
2. The member is eligible to retire this chapter or will become eligible to retire as a result of purchasing the credit;and 3. The member agrees to retire within ninety days after receiving notice of the amount determined under division (B) of Ohio Revised Code Section 742.251.

Can I purchase Federal Time?

Yes, not to exceed five years and if the following conditions are met:

1. The service was rendered as an employee of an entity of state or local government, or of an entity of the United States government.
2. The member is eligible to retire under this chapter or will become eligible to retire as a result of purchasing the credit; and
3. The member agrees to retire within ninety days after receiving notice of the amount determined under division (B) of Ohio Revised Code Section 742.251.

Do you have a payment plan that will allow me to purchase my prior service?

Yes, you can purchase your prior service through payroll deduction for the amount of time that you are restoring, not to exceed five years. For example, if you have two years to purchase, then you can only do a payroll deduction plan for the two years. The law does not allow you to spread the two years over a period of five years.

Can I purchase credit for layoffs?

Yes, not to exceed two years per occurrence.

Can I purchase medical disability or pregnancy leave?

Yes, however it must be an approved leave and not to exceed 12 months per occurrence.
Click here for Proration of Service Credit Transfers